Our attorneys have extensive experience in all aspects of Land Use and Redevelopment and the know-how to get projects approved efficiently and cost-effectively. We work well with government bodies to ensure the best possible result for our clients.
Land Use Approval and Permitting
We regularly appear before Planning Boards and Zoning Boards throughout New Jersey to obtain site plan, subdivision, and variance approvals for commercial, residential, and mixed-use projects.
Our attorneys have experience in all phases of redevelopment, from the initial blight designations to the adoption of redevelopment plans, through appointment of the designated redeveloper, negotiation, drafting, and execution of redeveloper agreements, and PILOT applications.
Affordable Housing
Our attorneys are well versed in affordable housing, including applications for inclusionary developments and builder’s remedy litigation. Our attorneys have excellent working relationships with Fair Share Housing Center and other affordable housing advocates in the state. In addition, our extensive experience representing and counseling municipalities provides a valuable perspective to our development clients attempting to navigate the ever-changing landscape of affordable housing.
Prerogative Writ Actions and Litigation
When litigation is called for due to an improper or arbitrary decision by a state, county, or municipal agency, we have deep experience in actions in lieu of prerogative writs, including prosecuting and defending appeals of development approvals and redevelopment designations. Our attorneys have successfully challenged municipal ordinances and unreasonable decisions of planning and zoning boards.
Acquisitions, Sales, and Leasing
Our attorneys have experience in all phases of land acquisition, sales, and leasing. The diverse set of skills of our attorneys allows us to offer negotiation and drafting services and provide potential support in any litigation situation.
Tax Appeals
Our attorneys have also successfully achieved reductions in property taxes, obtained tax abatements and exemptions for qualified taxpayers, and negotiated state and local incentive packages for commercial clients and non-profit entities.

Christine Baker Partner
(973) 559-9887
Lawrence S. Cutalo Partner
(973) 559-9812
Christopher A. Ferriero Associate
(973) 559-0979
Alexandra V. Gallo Partner
(973) 559-9820
Francis A. Gencarelli Associate
(973) 559-9882
Brian R. Griffin Associate
(973) 559-9858
Lisa M. Lazzaro Associate
(973) 559-9854
James H. Leckie Of Counsel
(973) 559-9881
Joseph J. McGlone Partner
(973) 559-9836
Nicholas A. Prainito Associate
(973) 559-9884
Holly T. Schepisi Partner
(973) 559-9807
Thomas P. Scrivo Managing Partner
(973) 559-9900
Marlin G. Townes Partner
(973) 559-9844
Nicholas P. Whittaker Of Counsel
(973) 559-9830
Joshua A. Zielinski Partner
(973) 559-9851OS Partner Holly Schepisi will be a panelist at the “Round 4 and Municipalities: Perfect Toget…
On May 15, 2024, OS Partner Holly Schepisi will participate in the Hot Topics in Land Use panel at t…
OS proudly announces the inclusion of twenty-two of its attorneys in the 2024 New Jersey Super Lawye…