We represent a wide variety of clients appealing from civil and criminal matters. Our appellate lawyers are critical thinkers and skilled oral advocates, and we understand the need for vigorous and persuasive brief writing to advance our clients’ appeals.
We have an impressive track record of successfully defending favorable trial rulings and overturning adverse decisions in complex matters. Our attorneys are adept at beginning to identify appellate issues during the trial phase so that, if an appeal becomes necessary, appellate issues have been identified and evaluated, and our clients are able to make informed decisions on whether to appeal.
We also have extensive experience assisting clients who seek our help at the appellate stage. Whether prosecuting or defending a merits appeal, filing appellate motions, or representing an amicus curiae, our appellate attorneys understand how to immerse themselves in the record and bring a fresh perspective to bear on our clients’ needs.
Our appellate practice primarily focuses on appeals to the Second and Third Circuit Courts of Appeal, and the appellate courts of New Jersey and New York.
Christine Baker Partner
(973) 559-9887Michael C. Byrne Of Counsel
(973) 559-9886David M. Chaise Of Counsel
(973) 559-9808Casey Chamra Partner
(973) 559-9809Craig J. Compoli Partner
(973) 559-9811Lawrence S. Cutalo Partner
(973) 559-9812Nicole M. DeMuro Partner
(973) 559-9814Michael J. Dee Partner
(973) 559-9813James DiGiulio Partner
(973) 559-9815Christopher A. Ferriero Associate
(973) 559-0979Adam W. Flannery Associate
(973) 559-9828Nicholas A. Fromhold Associate
(973) 559-9819Alexandra V. Gallo Partner
(973) 559-9820Robert J. Gallop Partner
(973) 559-9821Francis A. Gencarelli Associate
(973) 559-9882Robert W. Gifford Partner
(973) 559-9823Kenneth B. Goodman Of Counsel
(973) 559-9825Larry C. Green, Jr. Partner
(973) 559-9852Rosemarie C. Hebner Of Counsel
(973) 559-9861James H. Leckie Of Counsel
(973) 559-9881Joseph J. McGlone Partner
(973) 559-9836Amy E. Robinson Partner
(973) 559-9833German Rozencranc Partner
(973) 559-9842Amy Sachs Associate
(973) 559-9856Thomas P. Scrivo Managing Partner
(973) 559-9900Marlin G. Townes Partner
(973) 559-9844Kyle Vellutato Partner
(973) 559-9857Cassandra Jahnke Walsh Of Counsel
(973) 559-9829Nicholas P. Whittaker Of Counsel
(973) 559-9830Young Yu Partner
(973) 559-9849Jia Zhang Associate
(973) 559-9861Joshua A. Zielinski Partner
(973) 559-9851On October 22, 2021, the New Jersey Appellate Division issued a far-reaching decision in Youssef v. …
In Baldwin Shields v. Ramslee Motors, the Supreme Court of New Jersey recently considered whether the owner of a commercial property has a duty to clear ice and snow from its premises when the property is in the exclusive possession of a tenant.